MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG - Information on commitment to climate action

The company has assessed the greenhouse gases emissions linked to the product in question and offset them through the purchase of carbon credits.

Awarded by
Fokus Zukunft
Award valid from
Award valid until
About the company

MENNEKES Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Aloys-Mennekes-Straße 1

Phone: +49 2723 41-1
Fax: +49 2723 41-214

Reference object
Assessed and offset product
AMTRON 4You 560

The path to the award

Climate neutrality via offsetting
Detailed information concerning the issuing guidelines for the award

Greenhouse gas emissions assessment

Reference year
01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023
Assessment result
113.84 kg CO₂e per unit (11kW charging power)
Assessment methodology

Assessment of the product line was carried out in accordance with the valid Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Standard using the Cradle-to-Gate approach.

Functional unit:1 wallbox
System boundary: cradle-to-gate

Cradle-to-gate refers to the assessment of a product’s greenhouse gas emissions up to the (factory) gate’ and therefore includes only the emissions up to the point at which the product leaves the company. It does not consider use and disposal. In this case, it is also referred to as a partial PCF. This assessment approach should only be used for intermediate products whose downstream processing and final use is unknown.

reduction measures

The company is aware that greenhouse gas emissions must be avoided and reduced as far as possible. Offsetting by means of carbon credits shall only be perceived as an additional – if albeit vital – measure to achieve the 1.5°C target set out in the Paris Climate Agreement. The offsetting share must be gradually reduced in this context.


The company has acquired carbon credits to offset the greenhouse gas emissions as assessed.
Offsetting period
01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024
Number of credits (1 credit = 1t CO₂e)
The number of carbon credits is based on the planned sales volume of 5,684.
Supported carbon offset projects
Forest protection | Peru | VCS + CCBS
Project ID: 868
Number of credits: 748

Confirmation of retirement

To the project description

Further commitment

climate neutral product
AMTRON 4You 510
climate neutral product
AMTRON 4You 310
climate neutral product
AMTRON 4You 110

Christopher Mennekes | Managing Partner MENNEKES

“As a medium-sized family business, we take our social and ecological responsibility very seriously. We have been supporting climate-protecting activities with a wide range of measures for many years – both nationally and internationally. For example, we rely on 100% green electricity, an all-electric vehicle fleet, solar power generation, material recycling and sustainable packaging. Now we are taking the next step and making the production of our wallboxes completely climate-neutral. We are offsetting 100% of the CO2 released during production by investing in forest conservation.”